Sunday, January 31, 2010

You Gotta Work with What You Got!

My genetics disappoint me but I have a plan!

Weekly Fitness Review January 31.mp3

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Weekly Review January 24

It is working again--yeah!

Weekly Review January 24.mp3

Simple Adjustment for Weight Loss #8 - Don't be so hard on yourself

Anyone who has maintained their weight over a significant period of time knows that there are "slip-ups". The moment where you overeat, binge, gain that extra pound and it wasn't what you planned. Don't waste time beating yourself up - focus on getting back on track before a significant amount shows on the scale!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Managing Weight While Increasing Protein

Well, it has finally occurred—dreaded weight gain from what I am assuming is an increase in calories due to protein intake.  Lou Schuler suggested not reducing calories immediately and wait to see the results.  Now, my job is to start cutting out “useless” calories.  The first to go will be alcohol.  I have mentioned in my audio posts that I have a cocktail before dinner and that probably adds 150 calories I don’t need.  I have also gotten into the habit of having dried fruit after lunch (rather than other treats such as a cookie) but the sugar in the fruit is high and adds another 100 calories.  So, in a very few actions, I have reduced my caloric intake by 250 calories.  I am also wondering if my recent “hyper” thyroid episode allowed me to increase intake without gaining weight and now that I am more balanced, the weight is going to come back.  I am still within my desired range, but it has been slowly creeping into dangerous territory.  I will incorporate these changes immediately for the next 3 days (the amount of time I feel I can realistically do this) and then re-evaluate the next time frame and extend that a day or two until I am not doing any of the behaviors within the next 2-3 weeks.  I have never been good at cold turkey, so I think this can work. 

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Keeping a Training Journal

Training logs are an invaluable tool for monitoring progress.  I tend to keep a fairly elaborate log so that I can make the adjustments necessary to continue to make progress.  Consider the following when developing your own training journal:

  • Goals for the specific workout
  • Physical and psychological results of the workout
  • Quality and quantity of both nutrition and sleep
  • Future areas you want to change (i.e. recovery time, workout intensities)
  • Specific accomplishments reached and how to use this to motivate your future workouts

You can put any information you find helpful in your journal as long as you stay consistent and it proves to improve the quality of your workout or provides additional incentive.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Simple Adjustment for Weight Loss #7 - Go slowly at meals

You have heard this time and time again--your body doesn't register "fullness" for about 20 minutes. So wolfing down your meal sets you up for overeating. Make sure you sit down at a table (not your desk, car, or kitchen counter) and take each bite with intention. This will help you feel full and satisfied and not reaching for the after meal sweet.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Moving to 3x10 progression

For the next 4 workouts, I will be pushing more weight while lower repetitions and increasing sets.  This means I will be doing more volume from the previous week and weight.  Because I will be starting with a higher weight, I will add some “warm-up” sets for the first exercises of each workout (squats for Workout A and deadlifts for Workout B).  These will consist of a set of 8 repetitions at 50% of starting weight, followed by 6 repetitions of 75% of my starting weight.  This will help me work into the heavier lifting.  I have moved my cardio up to 7 rounds of intervals (from 6 rounds last week).  Additionally, I am adding 5 seconds on to every other interval so it will be 3 minutes of warm-up followed by 30/90, 35/85, 35/85, 40/80, 40/80, 45/75, 45/75 and then a 3-5 cooldown.  When I finish the four workouts and move to the final phase of this stage, I will have moved to 8 rounds and move to the next level of HIIT (30/60).  I alternate my HIIT workouts between the Stairmaster and treadmill.  I have 5 yoga routines from library DVDs and will rotate through those as well.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Finished Out Week Strong!

My blood pressure and heart rate remain low; taking less medications this week and seeing if there is a big difference.  Should be off all heart medication before seeing the doctor again.  Medication is keeping HR and blood pressure down, so my MHR are lower than I would expect with the HIIT workouts but that will have to do; weights are going well and keeping pace with planned increments. 

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Simple Adjustment for Weight Loss #6 - Stop strict dieting

According to Prevention Magazine, research indicates that consistent dieting actually makes cortisol levels increase resulting in erratic blood sugar levels. When you don't have a constant level of fuel for your body, your become more hungry and less able to maintain your willpower. Going back to a previous post, make your meals balance (and your snacks too!) to help maintain blood sugar levels and remain satiated.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Increasing weights, decreasing repetitions

This go-round I do the same exercises but decreasing the repetitions and hopefully, increasing the weights.  So far, so good!  I have been going up 2.5 lbs – 5.0 lbs per week but it may not be possible to continue doing this so my strategy is to pace myself or rotate the increases between exercises (go up on lower body, but not upper body).  The difficulty is using “fixed” free weights where the increments go up by 10 lbs.  The issue is finding a light enough bar and then using the 2.5 lbs.  At one time, the gym had so 1 lb plates but they have somehow disappeared.  The weight machines also have 2.5 lbs which should accommodate my needs.  I had to scale back the cardio a bit but will be back on track at the end of this week.  Eating has been ok – had a few indulgences; going to lunch with former work buddies – but staying within range for now.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monitoring Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Need to focus on blood pressure and heart rate while taking medications.

Weekly Review January 10.mp3

Saturday, January 9, 2010

All Clear to Resume Workout

On Tuesday I had a medical scare; my blood pressure was 180/100, heart rate = 80.  The only reason I asked to have my blood pressure done while bringing someone for a B12 shot was I had some discomfort in my chest.  My physician was able to see me immediately and prescribed a beta blocker to bring down my blood pressure and heart rate, a medication for GERD, and blood work for my thyroid (I am hypothyroid).  She also suggested baby aspirin and a return in a few days.  Well, the blood pressure/heart rate got quite low and my blood work indicated I was “hyperthyroid” so she cut back my thyroid medication, decreased the beta blocker and said I could return to my workout and monitor the medication over the next 2-3 weeks and then return for a visit.  It will be too early to see if the decrease in thyroid has taken effect but we will be able to rule out some things in the meantime.  So, I did start the next part of phase one (2x12), same exercises, more weight.  I am making sure I take the full 60 second rest and keep track of my heart rate throughout the workout; HIIT will go back to 6 rounds at a lower pace until I see how my heart rate and blood pressure react to the medication.  All in all, despite the scare I am moving forward with just a week delay.  We will see how it all plays out.  Tomorrow—day off—I will be doing an easy 6-mile hike with a local hiking club.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Simple Adjustment for Weight Loss #5 - Cut out refined grains and sugar

According to Men's Health, 96% of their Belly Off! participants used this strategy to lose weight. They eliminated empty-calorie junk foods from their diet (think of Twinkies, Cheetos, white bread, candy, soda, etc.). These all have high sugar or fast-absorbing carbs that raise your blood sugar quickly--this cycle eventually leads to hunger which sabotages your healthy eating efforts. Consider any "packaged" goods suspect and use the strategy of "steps" away from the actual food. Fruits, vegetables, nuts are all direct. Potato chips are at least 2-3 steps away from the actual potato -- better to have it baked than fried. Cheetos don't even have an originating food group! Use your best judgment in any situation you find yourself and you will be on your way to successful weight management.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Staying Healthy While Addressing Medical Issues

Unfortunately, the issues I spoke about in my audio post have increased and I felt the need to go to the doctor.  Not sure of the prognosis as we haven’t really figured out the issues—need some additional tests, etc.  Until then, I am off my regular workout and will be walking as a way to stay active but not so active that I over exert myself.  Just an update, I did join a hiking group and plan to use this as a way to have fun, stay active, and meet new people. 

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Survived the First Week Quite Easily

Still adjusting to the workout; will increase resistance carefully.

Weekly Review January 3.mp3

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Evaluation of Metabolic Resistance Training

So far the program has not been out of reach for me.  Some surprises—the squats were more difficult than I thought at the weight I used.  There is a big difference in doing 15 full squats at a challenging weight versus a light weight.  I did experience some upper body soreness changing my back exercises from pull ups to seated row and my movement prep warm-up exercises also pushed hit some muscles I haven’t worked for some time.  My sleep has been good and I continue to experience some strange tightness in my chest.  I have checked to see if my pulse is racing—it isn’t.  My cardio routine is difficult (HIIT) yet I don’t feel “exhausted” after them so I don’t think I am overtraining.  The chest issue is a concern and I may need to talk with my primary care physician.  Nutritionally, I have been able to keep my protein intake up and stay within my weight range; I need to stop my alcohol use (1 drink nightly) as I think this may be contributing to the chest tightness.  I will be checking my blood pressure this week as well.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Simple Adjustment for Weight Loss #4 - Sleep More

When you don't get enough sleep, you throw off the amount of hormones (leptin/ghrelin) that help regulate energy use and appetite. So start thinking about how you can get more sleep and/or better sleep by following these tips:

  • Skip the alcohol. Alcohol interferes with melatonin and your sleep cycles adversely effecting the quantity and quality of sleep.
  • Eliminate caffeine. Caffeine increases alertness and elevates heart rate and blood pressure--not what you want when getting ready for slumber.
  • Lower the thermostat. The National Sleep Foundation recommends between 54 and 75 degrees F which allows your core body temperature prepare to fall asleep.
  • Avoid big meals. Digestion increases body temperatures and thus works against sleep (see previous bullet)
  • Don't exercise right before bed. Same theme of body temperature, just a different vehicle. You should be instituting a routine that lowers your body functions (see bullet below).
  • Develop a sleep routine. You need to structure a process that signals to your body that it is time to get ready for sleep. This should be done in the same way each evening to facilitate habit.
  • Set a regular schedule. This doesn't have to be obsessive but it helps to set a range so that the body can become accustomed to the schedule and anticipate sleep at the same time each day.
Pleasant dreams!