Everyone has strengths they can build upon to make life better. Each of us has the ability to do something easily that others have a hard time doing. I happen to like working out, going to the gym, and basically being physically active so exercising is something I do with little effort. I am also fairly well organized and have good routines, this helps in keeping me on track and staying to a program for an extended period of time. On the other hand, some strengths don’t adapt well to certain situations—such as when I get injured, I tend to stay on the same routine and stay physically active so my injuries may last longer or re-occur more often. Another area where I excel is paying attention to details—great for many areas of my life—but really time consuming in other areas (and more often than not counterproductive). So, with most things in life if you are more strategic and use your strengths effectively and compensate for weaknesses, you can pretty much tackle anything.
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