Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Taking It Down A Notch

Yesterday I started a new, slightly lower-intensity program. I used my heart rate monitor and found out that I could reach 80% MHR on a level 10 program -- I had been using a level 13. So, I have decided to use a lower intensity on my cardio on weight training days. I did 4 exercise, 2 sets of super sets using Bench Press (3 x 8) and Bent Row (3 x 12) and Incline Bench Press (2 x 5) with Dumbbell Squats (2 x15). They were difficult but not to failure - followed by a core exercise routine based on Pilates (12-minute routine provided by SparksPeople). Today, I did my running and followed a plan from Men's Health that incorporated low-med-high intensity in one workout and that worked really well and I think I can do that twice a week and add on to this every other week. This workout is relatively short as I do body weight calisthenics - pull ups, push ups, Swiss Ball Leg Curl, Swiss Ball Reverse Crunch, and Sissy Squats. Hopefully, this type of workout will be adequate for my Strength Phase for the next 6 weeks.

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