Sunday, December 26, 2010

Final Cardio Strength Complex; New Timed Kettlebell Routine

I have concluded my cardio strength complexes for this week and will move on to some timed sets in the future.  I added a new kettlebell workout for beginners (see this week's video) which will progress from 30 seconds (time sets) to 60 seconds over three weeks (30/45/60).  I am not sure how I will proceed with the cardio strength training, as it now goes to timed sets as well.  I will integrate both of them somehow and keep you posted.  Here is the beginner program:

  • Alternate Lunges
  • Squat to Curl
  • Push Up
  • Halo
  • Deadlift
I am still using the free Yoga Journal podcasts (20 minutes) a few times per week as well as the rehab exercises for the knees.  Cardio has been varied between walk/run, tabata, and intervals on the stair master.  Nutrition has been a challenge over the holidays and while working but I find it easier to do portion control with specific bowls or containers; that way I don't really have to think about it.  Although there are plenty of goodies around, I work on limiting myself but not too restrictive or I will feel deprived.  Consistency, consistency, consistency.

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