Monday, October 27, 2008

Don't Have Time to Stretch, Think Again

When pressed for time, stretching is the first item to go in a workout. It doesn't have to be that way. With some restructuring of your workout time you can fit stretching in even when you have a limited amount of time. Always warm-up and cool-down for about 5 minutes prior to any cardio workout session. This warm-up is usually a lower intensity version of your chosen cardio activity. These warm-ups and cool-downs optimize your stretching so you can get through a basic stretch routine at the end of your cardio workout in about 6-10 minutes. When doing strength training fit in your stretches between sets and focus on the muscle group you are working (see my previous post on active recovery). Consider integrating small stretching sessions throughout your day (see previous post on workplace exercise). Look for stretches that give you the most bang for your buck; focus on the areas that are consistently tight when time is limited.

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