Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Switch Up to Kettlebell Workouts

Last week and this week I did another beginning kettlebell workout - see workout 1 in the sidebar and workout 2 in this post.  I am finding that I need to have to do heavier weights with the kettlebells to get the cardio work I need.  There is a tipping point where the effort to stabilize the kettlebell makes the whole movement more exhausting.  My problem is that I am wary of starting with too much weight and by the time I progress to a more challenging weight, I want to move on to another workout.  So, I will take better notes and start any other program with a weight just below my ending weight from the previous program.  Since I change up quite a bit, my starting weights should end up being challenging from the beginning.  Note:  I will be posting comments I make on other forums (such as AARP, Power Bar, Fitness, etc.) to break up the tedious nature of reviewing my workouts--it bores me sometimes!  After another week of kettlebell training, I think I am going to return to complexes and make up my own to address my specific needs.

1 comment:

ispolin said...

also beginners need to know, that warm-up is very important. Because if you would have warm-up you can damage some muscles or ligaments