Friday, July 4, 2008

Vacation Strategies

It's always tough to maintain a healthy diet when on vacation. There are some basic strategies to use to keep you in "damage control" mode. First, make sure you have some protein with you in the form of a low-calorie energy bar for emergencies. This will help keep your blood levels stable. Consider planning ahead for special meals during your trip. If you know you are going to the special luau in the evening, make your other meals lighter. Keep in mind the change in time zones. It is extremely easy to eat more when your meals times are confused. Work on adjusting to the time zone you are traveling to as quickly as possible. You may need to coordinate small snacks to make the switch but in doing so, you will get back on track with your meals sooner. Finally, vacation doesn't seem like vacation if you can't drink alcohol. What you may want to do is exercise some self-control throughout the day and then have your drinks with your dinner (not before dinner). This will allow you to have the benefit of the drink while inhibiting the natural desire to eat more. As with most healthy living strategies, it takes a little forethought and planning to work but it is well worth the effort upon your return home.

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