Monday, December 8, 2008

Bring Intensity to Your Workout

During the holidays, you want your workouts to be efficient as possible so consider the following to get the most out of each session.

  1. Make sure you have plenty of energy; you can't maintain intensity without fuel so eat properly before a workout.
  2. Use the active recovery principle. Perform opposite movements (pushing/pulling) in a superset fashion, letting one muscle group rest while the other works. Another strategy is to do a core exercise between sets.
  3. Work your whole body; don't bother with body part workouts. Working major muscle groups through compound exercises will build muscle and burn fat.
  4. Keep your rest time low. Keeping your rest period down to 60 seconds helps keep your heart-rate up, resulting in a more intense session.
You should be able to develop a circuit with opposite movements for the whole body, core, and shorten rest periods in under 30 minutes; just what you need during the hectic holidays.

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