Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Stretching is a Must!

With the busy holidays you may be tempted to skip the stretching part of your workout to decrease time but this could backfire in the long run. You risk losing your range of motion and stability if you skimp on stretching. New research indicates that there is more than one type of stretching and they accomplish different things. Dynamic stretching increases muscle and body temperature, improves joint flexibility, and muscle functioning through a range of motion. This type of stretching is useful before you do a workout and after a light aerobic warm-up. The stretching you might be use to is static stretching; stretching a muscle until it relaxes. This type of stretching helps increase flexibility and is usually done after a workout. The newest type of stretching is myofascial stretching; applying pressure with a foam roller. This type of stretching can be done whenever you want and helps decrease overall tension in the muscle. If you get stuck for time, focus on stretching the muscles you are going to work or the muscles that are typically the tightest for you. Regardless of which stretching is most appropriate, make sure it gets done.

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