Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Core Goals for 2009

As stated in my previous post, measuring core strength isn't easy. So to set goals is difficult but I will make an effort. First, my long-term goal I will maintain my percentile standings with the half-sit-up test (60 seconds). For my long-term goal, I will work on maintaining plank positions for up to 60 seconds and do 3-5 sets worth; the same goal for bridges. My immediate goal will be to perform 2 core workouts per week; my short-term goal will be to develop a number of core routines that will hit all areas and can be easily rotated into my workouts. Finally, my back-up goal to will be to complete 90 full core workouts for the year (average 2/wk with time off). I will start my core routine with a quick workout I found in Runner's World using the following exercises:
  • Superman
  • Bridge
  • Metronome
  • Plank (I will advance to the plank lift later)
  • Side Plank

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