Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Moving to 3x10 progression

For the next 4 workouts, I will be pushing more weight while lower repetitions and increasing sets.  This means I will be doing more volume from the previous week and weight.  Because I will be starting with a higher weight, I will add some “warm-up” sets for the first exercises of each workout (squats for Workout A and deadlifts for Workout B).  These will consist of a set of 8 repetitions at 50% of starting weight, followed by 6 repetitions of 75% of my starting weight.  This will help me work into the heavier lifting.  I have moved my cardio up to 7 rounds of intervals (from 6 rounds last week).  Additionally, I am adding 5 seconds on to every other interval so it will be 3 minutes of warm-up followed by 30/90, 35/85, 35/85, 40/80, 40/80, 45/75, 45/75 and then a 3-5 cooldown.  When I finish the four workouts and move to the final phase of this stage, I will have moved to 8 rounds and move to the next level of HIIT (30/60).  I alternate my HIIT workouts between the Stairmaster and treadmill.  I have 5 yoga routines from library DVDs and will rotate through those as well.

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