Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Beginner Kettlebell Workout-Workout 1

For the next four weeks I will be doing the Beginner Kettlebell Workout plan provided by  I will modify it for my purposes but the basic structure remains.  There are three workouts and their rotation through the week are changed from week to week-this week they follow in order 1-2-3.  Here is Workout 1 (Circuit of 4 rounds with 6-10 reps; exception is the Turkish Get Up with only 3 reps):
  • Turkish Get Up (I do a half get-up)
  • Clean and Press
  • Windmill
  • Front Squat
Do the above starting with left side and the going through the right side; at the end of each side to Kettlebell Swings (2-handed) for 15 reps.

They have an interval plan but I am just following my stairmaster program -- increasing time each week as I decrease repetitions and increase weight on the Kettlebell Circuit.  I will include video clips for each of the moves or the whole routine when possible.

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