Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hybrid Workout for the Next Few Weeks

As mentioned in my podcast, the amount of information about fitness and workouts specifically is enormous so I try to stay with just a couple of sources.  Even then, it is overwhelming.  So, to keep from getting behind the the collection of information, I will start doing "hybrid" workouts--a combination of 2 or more structured workouts--to maintain my interest.  With that in mind, the following workout is a combination of 1) Lose the Last 10 pounds (Men's Health) workout, 2) Spartacus Workout (again, Men's Health), 3) Finishers/Tabata (Dos Remedios, Ballantyne, Cosgrove), and HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). 

Workout A (was done on Monday)
Standard 3 sets, repetitions decreasing 10-8-6 with increasing weight.  Finish each superset before going to the next one:
  • Dumbbell Split Squat/Forward Lunge
  • Barbell Romanian Dead Lift/Dumbbell Push Press
  • Push Up-Plank Walk Up/Chin Up (assisted)
  • Finisher - Step Up Tabata Style (20 seconds of work/10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds)
  • Cardio-Stair climber, Level 12 60 seconds rest/60 seconds work for 9 rounds
I worked on pushing heavier weight and it makes a big difference on the workout.  I have become a little complacent with pushing myself on the weights.  The Tabata routines or timed sets are helpful in doing this but if I don't make the right weight choice, it can be a wasted workout for muscle growth. 

By the way, if anyone is checking out my blog, you don't have to have the same kind of workout I do to get results.  It depends on your fitness level.  I have be working out my whole life so it would make sense that I would be doing more advanced routines.  If you have just started, doing any physical activity at least 30 minutes a day is great!  Walking is the easiest and most convenient activity--don't worry about the weights or anything else, just get more active.  You will advance quickly and be able to do other things that may be of interest to you later.

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