Keeping track of your training is probably the single most important action you can do to make progress. As mentioned in my weekly reviews, the way I tweak my workouts or determine if they are adequate is by going through my workout log. I purchased a small weekly planner from the local dollar store that fits in the side panel of my workout bag. Instead of putting in my activities for the day, I just put in my workouts. Since starting my 2009 goal work, I have found out a number of important items:
1) I can't do back-to-back hard strength training workouts
and hard
cardio interval training.
2) 2 strength-training sessions per week are adequate for me and allow me the necessary time to recover; if I move to a much lighter strength-training session I may be able to go back to 3/week.
3) I need at least 2 days of light
cardio since the other 4 days are pretty tough.
4) My level of physical activity (not structured exercise) is low and needs to be increased.
5) Yoga seems to be the best option for me to incorporate balance, posture, and focused stretching to my routine.
6) If I don't get a workout in at the beginning of the day, the likelihood of getting in a workout diminishes.
Take time to log in your workouts this week and reflect on what worked and what didn't and see if you don't make better progress over the long-run.