Saturday, May 30, 2009

Can't Stop Messing with My Cardio

If you have been following my blog you realize that I change my routines almost every week--even if it is something really small. That's because each week I feel differently about my workout and if I can't make changes what's the point? So, I have decided to change my cardio routine just a bit. I was doing intervals only on the stair climber and hit a plateau after recovery from a cold. So, I decided to change up the interval program to help break the ceiling and do it once a week and then have a moderate intensity variable program for the second session. I will also do the same with my treadmill program--since I am getting closer to my goal I am going to start short intervals with my goal time for one session and then a more progressive pyramid with a slower run time for the second set. Finally, the bicycle will give me my long, slow cardio (up to 60 minutes) once or twice a week. I have been remiss on my walking at night and will try to bring that back into the picture 3x/week.

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