Friday, August 15, 2008

Consistency is Key

Regardless of whether I am trying to change my eating habits, my workout routines, or my general health consistency seems to bring success. There is an expectation that if a significant change is made, in any behavior, the results should be immediate and positive. But it rarely works that way. Maintaining the change over an extended period of time is what contributes to the overall outcome. So the goal is to be more consistent with my behavior each week until it becomes a habit. Only then can I determine whether another change is necessary or whether I should move on to something else. I have seen people expect to learn a new skill, lose weight, change their body, have better relationships, etc. by trying one thing after another expecting that the first time they try something new it should work and then be discourage by their lack of results and revert back to the "old way" of behaving. Give yourself some time to see the change. If you don't get what you want, look to see what you got instead and use this information to restart your focus. Eventually, you will find the right path and move forward toward your goals.

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