Monday, August 25, 2008

Hitting a Plateau

Unlike my work in counseling and personal training, blogging requires a certain technical savvy and some aggressive marketing strategies. To tie this into the theme of this post I realize now that it is not necessarily whether anyone actually reads or comments on my blog (whether I increase my workout resistance every week or lose weight every week) but that my efforts are improving my overall skills in using web-based technologies (my efforts are improving my overall health). I could berate myself for not having readers, but I have learned a tremendous amount about how search engines work, how to add elements to my blog, and have become less intimidated by the Internet (I could drive myself crazy weighing myself everyday or realize I now know how to make better food decisions). My goal is to continue to post as often as I can for the next month while I put into place some additional tools to attract readers. Even if this particular effort proves to be unsuccessful, I will just get back up, brush myself off, and find another more appropriate venue for my message. I look forward to future challenges and will continue to learn from my "apparent" failures.

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