Thursday, October 15, 2009

Simple Adjustment #3 Be Particular About Your Weights

Most individuals don't pay enough attention to the weight (resistance) they are using and either they are too light (afraid of bulking up) or too heavy (gravity is doing your work for you). To see improvement you need to challenge your muscles to recruit more muscle fibers. You want a weight that you can move through the range of motion with steady control and that will be more difficult to lift at the final 2-3 reps. In my current workout, I have 2 days per week where the actual weight is what fatigues me and on the other 2 days, the repetitions fatigues me. So not only am I challenging my muscles but I am working on both fiber recruitment and endurance. So, if you aren't seeing any results, add weight at small increments while making sure your perform your exercise correctly.

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