Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simple Adjustment #4 Do More Than Cardio

Research indicates that weight loss is minimal if it isn't accompanied by dieting. So, if you are relying on your cardio workout to torch enough calories to lose weight you may be very disappointed. Whether you believe it or not, by doing that intense cardio workout you may end up doing less activity the rest of the day or you may eat more, both leading to a possible gain in overall calorie intake, not a loss. Many of us know it takes 3500 calories to lose a pound and if you have a 500 calorie deficit each day for 7 days, you lose a pound a week. Trying to fit in a cardio session worth 500 calories is difficult and can be offset by one eating mistake. It would be easier and more successful to shave off some of those calories from eating better and the other from increased "overall" physical activity, not just structured exercise. Give this strategy a try and see if you can restart your weight loss.

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