Monday, November 30, 2009

Big Push/Big Pull

This is the final phase of my workout and it will combine component of both strength and endurance. I will alternate between repetition ranges: Monday: Endurance 2 sets 12 repetitions, Wednesday: Strength 4 sets 6 repetitions, Friday: Combo 3 sets 8 repetitions. All workouts have a quad dominant lower body exercise; a hip dominant lower body exercise; a horizontal press and horizontal pull; a vertical press and vertical pull. Over the next four weeks I will rotate exercises each week and use the three different workouts (endurance, strength, combo).

This week's exercises:

Chest Press/Bent Row
Shoulder Press/Lat Pulls

I will finish each session with a Yoga routine composed of a set of warm-up/breathing and then 5-6 poses, ending with a breathing/meditation. These are based on my Yoga Deck.

Monday--warm-up/Om followed by Chair(I allow Life's energy to stream through me), Fish(I inhale Life's positive energy and exhale negativity), Spider(I acknowledge my ability to regenerate), Sitting Forward Bend(I let go . . into the Eternal Now), Bent Knee Sitting Forward (I surrender into the flow of Life), Bound Angle (I receive goodness. I radiate happiness)--Sounding Breath (I am at peace. All is well in my world)/Resting Meditation (I am that I am)

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