Saturday, November 14, 2009

Turning Down the Intensity

I have been feeling poorly lately and am contributing it to over-training. The more I read, the more I begin to see I may be overdoing it. I am not training for any specific event or competition but to remain healthy. With that goal in mind, I may need to re-evaluate (once again!) what I am trying to accomplish and what is the most efficient, effective, and safe way to do so. I am going to stay with my current resistance workout as it is 3x/week and only 4 exercises at each session. My interval training is going to be taken a notch down and will be divided between my running and the stair master; all the rest of my cardio sessions will be at or below 80% MHR. Once I get through with this and then the final phase of my current workout cycle, I will be coming to the end of the year and of course, a new set of goals. I believe I will see a need to focus on diet more closely and balancing the workout sessions to reflect more of a "fitness" goal rather than a "training" goal. I continue to gather information and data and incorporate my new knowledge to adjust my training technique/structure.

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