Saturday, July 4, 2009

Freedom to be Fit

It's time to make your choice to be free from chronic illness (diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, etc.), obesity, poor sleep, and anything else that ails you. The Fourth of July symbolizes independence and freedom -- both are necessary to reach your fitness goals. Assert your independence; don't follow the culture of fast food and a sedentary lifestyle but embrace a perspective of do-it-yourself and increased activity. You know what it takes to get fit and are free to make the choice to do so. No one is going to do it for you--the founding father's knew that and took the challenge to create a better world and you can too. The resources available to you (both free and paid) are so enormous, that your success is almost guaranteed if you make a commitment and remain consistent. If you have questions or need help with determining your fitness direction, leave a comment. I can provide a free 30-minute phone consultation to help get your started.

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