Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nothing New in Food Matters

I have been reading Mark Bitman's book Food Matters and it doesn't really provide any new information about healthy eating. As usual, someone who hasn't been eating correctly becomes unhealthy and "rediscovers" how to eat to combat their previous misbehavior. He then goes on to bash the Food Pyramid and of course all the businesses that produce the abundance of food we currently have available. Sure, big business hypes all the bad foods we eat but ultimately, we are responsible for the choices we make. Mr. Bitman would like you to believe that you are motivated by helping the planet - but really, it's about the ever growing obesity in developed nations. Americans (as well as any other somewhat democratic/capitalistic societies) overindulge, because we can. Individuals use poor judgment despite the presence of information indicating health issues (we still have smokers, don't we?). So, let's put the blame where it belongs -- on the individual -- take responsibility for your actions (be accountable) -- then the big businesses will cater to "healthy" living products. Businesses don't exist in a vacuum - we, as consumers can make a decision whether they remain in business by either buying (or not) their products. Mr. Bitman makes this clear but highlights just a few businesses (such as meat producers) but not all businesses (what about soda companies, cigarette companies, artificial sweeteners, alcoholic beverages, etc.). I agree with his "sane eating" premise, but the rest of his thesis is not well thought out.

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