Saturday, July 18, 2009

Metabolic Training

When I was working as a personal trainer, my supervisor introduced me to the principle of metabolic training. It incorporated strength and cardiovascular training in one circuit. I tend to use this with my own body weight on my "off" strength days. The principle is as follows--you build a group of lower/upper/core exercises followed by a cardio movement for 2-3 minutes. This is great if you aren't doing a cardio session the same day but I usually do, so I substitute the cardio move with a yoga/stretch move. So, an example would be that I would do bodyweight squats, followed by chinups, followed by hanging leg raises and then do Yoga Mudra which loosens the shoulders, arms, spine, and back of thighs. I might do four or five different combinations for a circuit. Usually, I will only do one circuit but may repeat certain exercises (like my chinups and pushups) because they are my weaker muscles. Again, this isn't an extra "strength" session but a way to keep my muscles working at a level that it won't impede my regular sessions. Very similar to doing long, slow distances with cardio. It also incorporates core exercises and yoga into my regular workouts. You can use this principle with any type of training--give it a try, you might like it for a change-up.

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