Thursday, July 2, 2009

Strength Tip # 8 It's Not All or Nothing

Lots of people complain that they don't have the time, energy, or motivation to get fit. But black and white thinking doesn't apply to weight training. Any amount of time spent getting stronger is better than doing nothing. Many times I feel I should be able to lift more weight, do more repetitions, run faster, etc. but if that were to keep me from working out, look at all the benefits I would lose--lower weight, better sleep, increased fitness even if it wasn't "perfect". So if you can't walk your goal of 30 minutes per day, walk whatever amount of time you can, it still helps. If you can only do 1 chin-up not the 10 you would like--do the 1 pull-up anyway. Being human is being imperfect and as you pursue fitness, you will have relapses and less than stellar results -- sometimes -- and from those times you will learn what it takes to continue to make gains. Don't despair as the journey to your goal is what is important.

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