Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Density Training

For the next 2 weeks, I will be doing the following Density Training:
  • Hang Snatch
  • Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Dumbbell Half Bench
  • Chin ups
  • One-Arm Plank Row
The goal is to do this circuit twice (10 minutes), each exercise lasting as close to 1 minute as possible with a load (weight) that can be done 10-12 repetitions.  I was able to get the Hang Snatch load right on the first try--40 pounds.  The Bulgarian Split Squats needed to be adjusted and I still was able to complete 10-12 well under a minute; don't know how much I will actually be able to do but I will need a squat rack or Smith machine to increase weight.  The Dumbbell Half Bench will need adjustment as well as I could easily do 10-12 repetitions with 20 lbs; however, my left shoulder is a problem and I might need to seek an alternative exercise.  Chin Ups (done on a gravitron) were easier to measure--level 9.  The One-Arm Plank Rows need to be increases but the issue isn't the pulling arm but the stationary arm (very difficult for me).  As you can see, Density Training takes time to perfect and may not be for everyone.  Cos Dos does move to timed sets pretty quickly as a form of Density Training--making it easier to select loads.

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