Saturday, January 15, 2011

Returning To Gym with Men's Health Comeback Workout

Since I haven't really been working out consistently I decided to delay the continuation of my Density/Kettlebell Training and use the Comeback Workout to get back into the groove.  This is taken from Men's Health:

Warm Up Circuit
Forward & Back Jumps - 20
Walking Knee Hugs - 10 each leg
Lateral Jumps - 20
Forward Lunge with Overhead Reach - 20
Jumping Jacks - 20
Reverse Lunge with Twist - 10 each side

Prehab Exercises
YTLI Raises on the Swiss Ball - 10 each
SB Plank - 60 seconds
Single Leg Bridge - 15 each leg

Strength Exercises-superset each pair, only one round
1)  Prisoner Squat - 10/T Push Up 10
2)  DB Reverse Lunge - 20/Inverted Row - AMAP
3)  DB Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift -10/DB Push Press - 10
4)  DB Lateral Lunge - 10 each side/Chin Ups - AMAP

Energy Series - 30 seconds work/30 seconds rest for each exercise 3x
1)  DB Swing
2)  Burpee
3)  Squat Jump
4)  Lateral Step

This has a bit of everything I have been doing (dynamic stretching, preliminary conditioning, strength, and cardio) but at a much lower level.  I will do this over the next 3-4 workouts, while getting my intervals back up to 60/30 on the stair climber.  Within two week, I should be able to continue my Density/Kettlebell Hybrid work.

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