Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oops--I Slipped!

Yesterday was what I call a "food" day. I overate throughout the day and the scale showed it this morning (not to worry--your weight can fluctuate several pounds). Since you can't be perfect with food all the time, you have to take lapses in stride. The most important thing is to bounce back and start eating healthfully again the very next day. Since my indulgence wasn't extensive, it doesn't make sense to drastically reduce my intake today but I can make sure I keep within my normal eating pattern with a slight reduction in portion size. Luckily, I am very consistent with my workout routine so I don't need to make any adjustments there--although I may take an extra walk today if the weather keeps. The key is keeping this as a "lapse" rather than a "relapse" so it doesn't become a continuous chain of unhealthy behavior.

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