Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Revisiting My Workout

As discussed in my last post, proper form or technique is essential when weight training. My routine has progressed to the point where I can no longer maintain proper form if I chose to move up the weight. When this happens for me, I usually do 2 things. First, I take a week off from heavy training and second, I rework my routine with some different exercises and a new emphasis and get back to using more appropriate weights with proper breathing. I started with working on building strength and now I am going to move to an endurance type of strength workout. I mentioned in my weekly review that I couldn't maintain my energy with a 3/week strength workout and do the 2/week interval training. So, I have decided to do 2/week strength workout allowing me 2 days to recover. In my next post, I will further review my technique for my cardio and core workouts.

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