Monday, April 13, 2009

Get Your Metabolism Going

Although I haven't been focusing on increasing my metabolism specifically, it seems just following general guidelines for a healthy lifestyle will do it. Basically, you need to eat right (less sugar & fats, more vegetables & fruit) and eat consistently well throughout the day, exercise (both cardio and strength) hard enough to increase your heart rate, and allow for enough recovery (at least 8 hours a night). We all know this is the best thing to do but have a hard time with the follow-through. I consider myself fairly disciplined and even I have times when it is a drag following what I know to be true about good health. Nothing happens overnight and making small moves now will eventually lead to change; start with some of the suggestions in my posts and then formulate your own that will work for you. You don't have to be perfect, so keep working toward those healthy goals despite your setbacks.

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