Sunday, January 25, 2009

Exercising With An Injury

Once you start living a healthy lifestyle, there are always obstacles to maintenance. A few days ago I woke up with blood in my eye (probably a broken blood vessel). This seemingly small injury had an impact on my workout routine. Just to play it safe, I called the ophthalmologist for an appointment (in a few days) and asked what precautions, if any, I should take. They stated I should probably keep my workouts to a lower intensity until I was seen. Again, this could lead me to stop working out altogether until I go to the doctor. Rather than stopping, I just reworked my routine to a lower intensity---I took my cardio down a notch or two, changed my strength training from free weights to machines (to eliminate head below waist movements) and eliminated my yoga class and replaced it with appropriate stretching exercises. These are "plan B" strategies and you should have plenty of them for just such occasions. I am sure after my appointment tomorrow, I will get a clean bill of health and can go back to my usual routine. But for today, a leisurely 3 mile walk with do.

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