Friday, October 8, 2010

New Workout-Intermediate Kettlebell Workout (Cardio Strength)

As I have mentioned previously, I mix and match workout styles.  This is based on Cardio Strength Training advocated by Dos Remedios.  I do these complexes before my normal weight lifting program.  The next two weeks I will doing an intermediate kettlebell training complex, progressing from 3 sets of 6 repetitions to 3 sets of 10 repetitions by the end of the 2-week training period.  I tend to keep the weight the same but will make adjustments as necessary.  Before each complex, I do a corresponding warm-up.  For this particular workout I will do a body weight warm up of the following:
  • Alternating Lunges
  • Squat Jumps
  • Burpees
  • Push Ups
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Side Squats
I do 5 repetitions of each exercise once, then I start the kettle bell complex:
  • Alternating Swing
  • Clean and Press
  • Windmill
  • Overhead Squats
I am using the 12 lb kettle bell as that is the heaviest I can use on both the clean and press and windmill.  I have difficulty with the kettle bell movements that require the kettle bell to be placed on the forearm because my grip is weak but I have learned the technique to avoid that after a couple of sessions.  Although I have pooh-poohed kettle bells as just another "fad" I do find it lends itself to more movements than a dumbbell and the weight does change through the movement requiring your body to adjust more.  With that being said, I still believe most individuals can maintain adequate fitness levels without a kettle bell or for that matter a dumbbell--but becoming more aware of your options does make fitness more fun.

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