Saturday, October 16, 2010

Workout C: Tone Up from Women's Health

The final workout for the week is taken from Women's Health "Tone Up for a Two Piece" and is another circuit workout.  Each exercise is done with a weight you can do 10-12 repetitions and you do 3 circuits.  The exercises are combination exercises so you are using more than one set of muscles to do the movement.  Since you go from one exercise to the next, you do get some cardio work.  Since I do a cardio complex before and then a interval workout afterward, I don't push too hard on the full workouts.  Next week I will be doing a recovery workout -- no complexes, body weight only exercises, and intervals.  Although I won't be doing weights, the workouts will still be tough--you will see!  Additionally, I was recently hired in a retail establishment specializing in sport attire for the holidays so you will see some strange scheduling and workouts to accommodate my work over the next 3 months.  I haven't done my podcast for the week but will do so by the end of next week because I want to have the feed in iTunes as well. 

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